Interactive Brokers z.B. schreibt auf seiner Webseite dazu als kurze Erklärung
First Notice Day:
The first day on which a notice of intent to deliver a commodity can be made by a clearinghouse to a buyer in order to fullfill a given future contract.
First Position Day:
The first day when an investor who is short a commodity futures contract may notify the clearinghouse of the idention to deliver the commodity.
Da ich mein Müsli nicht an der ICE kaufe kann ich Dir die genauen Abläufe (Hinterlegung von Banksicherheiten, Bestimmung der Lieferung etc.) nicht im Detail beschreiben aber normale Retail-Broker machen das nicht (und das ist wohl auch besser so für alle Beteiligten

edit: zu deiner 2. Frage
folgende Mail bekam ich von Interactive brokers gestern weil der LE-Kontrakt langsam ne Woche vor dem First Notice Day ist; weitere Infos findest man auch auf den Seiten der Terminbörsen.
Future Position Reaching First Notice
Please be advised that specific futures contracts deliver the physical commodity at settlement. At the present time, IBKR does not support the physical delivery of certain commodities. As a result, the futures contract must be closed out in order to avoid risk of delivery.
It has been detected that your account currently holds a position in one or more of the following physically delivered products.
LE (Live Cattle)
A long position in any of the above products will become subject to an automated liquidation if it is not closed out in accordance with IBKR's Closeout Schedule for physically delivered commodities.
As Cash and IRA accounts are restricted from holding foreign currencies, such products will follow the All Other Contracts liquidation schedule. Accounts eligible to hold foreign currencies will not be subject to the physical liquidation rules on foreign
currency products.
Please refer to the following link for a detailed description of IBKR's Physical Delivery Liquidation Rules:
Physical Delivery Liquidation Rules
This e-mail is distributed as an additional courtesy, to provide a reminder of IBKR's Physical Delivery Liquidation Rules. Such notification will not necessarily be sent for every contract held which may be subject to physical delivery liquidation rules. Please note that it is the responsibility of the trader to be aware of the policy and its application to specific holdings within a portfolio at any given time.
Interactive Brokers Client Services