Wie muss ich Kursgewinne und Dividenden von norwegischen Aktien wie Nel Asa, Tomra oder Mowi versteuern?
Aktien aus Norwegen sind bei deutschen Anlegern und Beratern en vogue. Was dabei steuerlich zu beachten ist.
Aktien aus Norwegen sind bei deutschen Anlegern und Beratern en vogue. Was dabei steuerlich zu beachten ist.
Trading is both the easiest and the most demanding thing you'll ever do in your life. It can ruin your life, your family and everything you touch if you don't respect it, or it can change your life, your family and give you a feeling that is hard to find elsewhere if you succeed.
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...
...the profits have sometimes exceeded the forecasts by a multiple - but somehow more was expected...